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Junk e-mail Court Cases

AOL.COM announces still more suits

AOL has sued several spammers, and has cases pending against still more. Recently, they published a 'ten most wanted' list of spammers which are likely targets for future litigation. They have recently begun to publish information regarding these spamming cases on their website. Check for the Most Wanted list, and case status and update information.

FLOWERS.COM wins over spammer

10 Nov 1997 - A Texas court rules against a spammer who forged '' as the return address into a spammed mailing which resulted in disruption of the innocent domain's provider's mail service. Monetary award plus legal fees granted to the plaintiff totaled over $18,000.

The Final Judgmentin the case.
The Press Release issued on the case.

CompuServe gets injunction against Cyber Promotions

Cyber Promotions, notorious for sending millions of unsolicited commercial advertising e-mail (UCE) messages, is defendant in a lawsuit brought by Compuserve, which succeeded first in obtaining a temporary restraining order against their name being forged into Wallace's mailings, and who is being granted further restraint against unsolicited electronic mail advertising after asking Wallace to cease trespassing on their machines.

The outcome of this court case will be a landmark in the unsolicited junk e-mail issue. It affirms the common law concept of trespass as it applies to computers and networks who are targeted by unwanted junk mailers.

9 May 1977 - Petition for consent order announced by CompuServe! Follow the link for the text of the Final Consent Order by Stipulation.
Final Consent Order by Stipulation

More background and articles pertaining to this case, including text of the earlier Memorandum Opinion and Order setting forth the preliminary injunction against Cyber Promotions. Follow the link for details.
More on CompuServe vs Cyber Promotions

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PUBLIC NOTICE: Use of Tigerden computer and network facilities for the purpose of transmitting unsolicited commercial advertising electronic mail to any user or account on or through Tigerden machines is expressly PROHIBITED. Appearance of any e-mail address on these pages does *NOT* constitute solicitation of advertising email.

Last revised: 15 Nov 1997